Jacques Van Offelen car park in Uccle transforms into temporary play area
VGC offers unforgettable play opportunities this summer with Playcation.
For another week, the car park at the Globe stop in Uccle will be a colourful bike circuit, a playground for children. There will be no space for cars. Ride Your Future, the artists’ collective the City is Our Playground, the bicycle hub and the municipality of Uccle worked together with local residents and children during the month of July to design and paint a colourful play trail at Place Émile Danco. The car park also received a playful makeover.
The Velomaster trail - Place Emile Danco & Jacques Van Offelen car park is freely accessible until 25 August. During this period, cars give way to children playing and a team from Ride Your Future will be present every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday with bikes from Fietsbieb. These bikes can be borrowed free of charge, which gives children without bikes a chance to try out the bike circuit too.
“Playcation offers play opportunities to all children in this city and tries out possible transformations of places. In Uccle, a car park is now a playground, play and bike circuit,” said Ans Persoons, VGC college member responsible for Culture, Youth and Sport.
The second edition of Playcation will offer young Brusselers an unforgettable time this summer. 21 initiatives with a free, unaccompanied play offer are organised throughout the city. As of now, you can find a crazy three-storey tree house in Schaerbeek, a skate park in the Northern Quarter and a beach container in Koekelberg. Discover the full offer on playcation.brussels.
![Website preview](https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/368791526_674207578087198_4533495953159153529_n.jpg?stp=c0.23.206.206a_dst-jpg_p206x206&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=b386c4&_nc_ohc=WmjPUmx2OtEAX9EsPl9&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCK5_CrDYORTfR15vfCUYDyO5xH4JRDQ-rCFEvf0c6-fg&oe=64E82056)