Press invitation: 40 European cities will gather and sign the "Brussels Declaration" to call for an appropriate European urban policy

Belgian Presidency of the European Council ​ - 24 January 2024 Egmont Palace at 12 o'clock

On the occasion of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Minister-President of the Brussels Region, Rudi Vervoort, and the Secretary of State for Urban Planning and International Relations, Ans Persoons, invite you to a high-level event on the future of urban policy in the European Union, on Wednesday 24 January at 12 o'clock at the Egmont Palace. European Commissioner Elisa Ferreira, responsible for Cohesion and Reforms, and Sandrine Dixson Declève, co-president of the Club of Rome, will also be taking part in this important summit of the Belgian Presidency, led by the Brussels-Capital Region.

More than 75% of Europeans live in cities, so it is imperative that the urban dimension contributes to defining European policy now and in the future.

This event will bring together 40 mayors, vice-mayors and administrations from Europe's major cities and metropolises, representatives of European institutions, associations of European cities and metropolises and other key European urban players.

During this event, a joint declaration to make the voice of cities heard will be signed by the mayors of major cities. This comprehensive declaration aims to provide bold political messages and recommendations for a strong European urban policy during the next mandate of the European Parliament and the European Commission.

Following the signature and declaration, a press conference will be held.

Practical information :

  • Where ? The event will take place at the Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8, 1000 Brussels.
  • When ? on Wednesday 24 January at 12 o’clock for the signature of the declaration and photo. The press conference will start at 12.30.
  • To attend this event, accreditation is compulsory and can only be obtained via the official accreditation platform of the Belgian Presidency. Once accredited for the Presidency, you will be able to register for the event.

Nils Quintelier

Woordvoerder, Kabinet Staatssecretaris Ans Persoons

Zeynep BALCI

Woordvoerster, Kabinet Rudi Vervoort


About Ans Persoons

Brussels State Secretary Urbanism & Heritage European and International Relations & Foreign Trade the Brussels Fire Brigade & Urgent medical assistance

Member of the Board of the VGC Culture, Youth, Sport & Living together in diversity


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